Brigantia Learning Trust is the admissions authority for Concord Junior Academy
Applications for places at the Academy will be made in accordance with Sheffield Local Authority's co-ordinated admission arrangements and will be made on the Common Application Form and administered by the applicant's home Local Authority.
Brigantia Admissions Policy 23-24
Brigantia Admissions Policy 24-25
Brigantia Admissions Policy 25-26
Concord Junior Academy participates in the Local Authority's Co-ordinated Admission Scheme for in-year admissions. If a parent of a child on our roll wishes to apply for a transfer to another school, they must obtain a transfer form from the school for completion of Section 2. The application must then be sent to the Local Authority which will process the application on the parent's behalf. The Local Authority will confirm the outcome of the application in writing within 15 school days. If the application is refused, the Local Authority will advise on the statutory appeal procedure. Details of the Co-ordinated Admission Scheme and how in-year applications are managed can be seen at:
Prospective parents/carers are welcome to visit the Academy at any time by appointment. Please telephone, email or drop into the Academy to make an appointment.