Curriculum Intent
‘Creating Excellence Together’
Our curriculum has been constructed to reflect what we believe the children at Concord Junior Academy need to be successful in their learning and wider life. The curriculum framework is underpinned by a belief that everybody has the potential to succeed within a high quality and intellectually challenging educational environment. It reflects a commitment to instilling high aspirations, a desire to learn and an ambition to achieve.
Our curriculum has been designed and sequenced to inspire enthusiasm for learning and ensure achievement for all. The curriculum covers and extends beyond the National Curriculum Programmes of Study, placing a strong emphasis on more informal elements that supports children’s wellbeing and happiness and equips them with the knowledge and skills needed for life beyond Concord Junior Academy.
At Concord, we believe our curriculum must be creative, broad, rich, experiential, and ambitious. Our curriculum is delivered through three key strands:
Personal Development
To enable children to make informed choices to keep themselves safe, healthy and able to determine their future
Academic Development
To enable children to benefit from a seamless journey of lifelong learning through the development of academic excellence
Social Development
To enable children to become the best version of themselves and make a successful contribution to society
Our curriculum will ensure access and inclusion, within a culture of care. An overarching principle is equality of access to the curriculum. For example, pupils with SEND and EAL learners will, wherever possible, be supported to access a common curriculum, rather than be taught a restricted or unduly narrowed curriculum.
Our curriculum covers the full breadth of the National Curriculum and seeks to give our children crucial knowledge and excellent core skills so that they can learn about the world around them and achieve their potential.
To reflect the school’s diverse population, we aim to provide a wide range of cultural influences through our topics, assemblies and lessons to challenge thinking and celebrate diversity. We also recognise that our children need to develop their independence and resilience so that they are ready for the challenges of the curriculum and their next phase of education. Children leave Concord Junior Academy reflecting our core values:
The curriculum is delivered in a variety of ways that best suit the needs and stages of our children’s development. Subjects are taught discretely. Our whole school curriculum overview shows how each year group organises their topics. Opportunities to apply English and mathematics skills through other subjects are sought and exciting events, trips, visitors, parent events, special days all help to enrich and enhance our curriculum.