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Concord Junior School

Lunchtime Arrangements and Catering

Lunchtime runs from 12:00 - 1:30pm, with each year group having a 45 minute break for lunch, which includes time for physical activity either on the yard or an organised club in the hall.  Indoor provision is also available for those pupils who would benefit from it.  

Children can choose to bring a packed lunch or buy a school dinner.  Each day there are several choices of hot meal or, if children prefer, sandwiches can be ordered.

Menu - Autumn/Winter 2024-25 

Water is provided free of charge.

Taylor Shaw - Healthy Eating & Sustainability 


We are a Healthy School and we are asking all families to support us to
continue this work in the following ways:

  • Healthy lunchboxes – if your child brings packed lunch to school, we ask that the lunch is a healthy and balanced one.
  • Only healthy snacks should be eaten at break-time e.g. fruit, cereal bars. Chocolate, crisps and sweets are not encouraged.

Information and advice can be found at  or 


Eat Smart Sheffield Newsletter for parents