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Concord Junior School

Online Safety

We are committed to ensuring the safety of our pupils, this includes their use of technology.  The online world is posing an ever-increasing risk to children, and it is important that schools, parents and carers work together to take an active role in teaching children about online dangers. Learning how to act safely when using the internet is an incredibly important part of safeguarding our children.

At Concord, we have an embedded programme of online safety within our curriculum including in subjects such as RSHE/PSHE and Computing.  Topics covered include:

  • Rules for keeping safe online
  • How to be safe when gaming online
  • Being a discerning user of technology
  • Cyberbullying
  • Online grooming and exploitation

All of the lessons are appropriate to age group and parents will be informed if there is a sex and relationships aspect to the lesson.

At Concord, we are showing our commitment to protecting our pupils online by working with National Online Safety - providing training and resources for all staff, parents and carers.  Copies of parent information guides can be found at the bottom of this page.

For further information visit: 

Special assemblies also help us to reinforce our curriculum messages and cover wider initiatives responding to topical issues that arise alongside a special focus around Safer Internet Day in February each year.

We aim to equip our pupils with the knowledge to stay safe online by providing them with the knowledge and resources to be a discerning and resilient user when dealing with people in the virtual world.

Our academy Online Safeguarding Lead, Miss Nicola Sherwood, who is also our academy Designated Safeguarding Lead, keeps abreast of prevalent issues and topics and addresses them as needed, through whole school assemblies or targeted group-based intervention and support.

The school monitors all internet usage at school to ensure it is appropriate and will provide guidance to any pupil that accidentally or otherwise breaks the internet usage policy.

Our Online Safeguarding Policy is reviewed each year and sets out how our pupils should use the internet at school and also the importance of providing online safety education in today's digital world.  

Online Safety Policy 

Brigantia Online Safety Newsletters

brigantia online safety newsletter june 23.pdf

Parents & Carers

NSPCC Share Aware -

Get Safe Online -

ChildNet International -

NetSmartz Workshop -

ParentsThinkUknow -

CEOP YouTube Channel -

Sheffield Sexual Exploitation Service -  


NetSmartz Workshop -

TeensThinkUknow -

Chatdanger -


Please Note: Concord Junior School is not responsible for content on external websites.